One of the departments of this hospital that started its service in 2015 ; It is the Department of International Patients. The mission of this department is to provide all beauty and restorative services to foreign patients and tourists. Also, patients who are candidates for transgender surgery (phalloplasty), hand and microscopic surgeries, as well as congenital anomalies can also refer to this hospital for services

Also, in this regard, participation in major national and international events in the field of health tourism, including participation in numerous congresses and exhibitions held in the country, is on the agenda of the IPD unit

This department has 3 suites, each suite has a patient bed and is intended for the admission of foreign patients. In addition to receiving and treating tourism patients, their companions can also stay in these suites

:Department Members

IPD doctor: Dr Tayyeb Ghadimi, Subspecialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery

Administrative affairs specialist: Mrs. Fatemeh Moradi, Master's Degree in Health Information Management

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